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National Philharmonic relies on the generosity of its donors to continue bringing excellent orchestral and choral music to our region, as well as an array of community engagement and educational opportunities for all ages, youth to seniors. Over 60% of our budget comes from people like you, in addition to corporations, foundations, and government funding sources. Your personal contribution is critical to our continued success.

Make a Donation to the NatPhil Innovation Fund

Innovation Fund Benefits

To support NatPhil with your individual gift, make your contribution to the Innovation Fund. Each donor level has an array of benefits – determine your level of support and make your contribution by selecting your donor level below. 

Support us in presenting an outstanding season and in producing performances that celebrate the beauty and power of music in the world. Your gift makes a significant impact, and we thank you for choosing to support NatPhil! 

For more information about your donor benefits, please contact Laurie Lane at or call 301-493-9283 ext. 4210. 

Donation to the NatPhil Innovation Fund

Levels & Benefits

Groundbreaker – $125 – $599

  • Name in the online program book and in printed program book when available; also acknowledged on donor listing on NatPhil website
  • Receive advance notice via email of the upcoming season prior to public release
  • Receive invitations to select NatPhil events (virtual or in-person)

Trailblazer – $600 – $1,199

All Groundbreaker donor benefits, plus:

  • Receive a one-time guest pass for 2, including 2 complimentary drink tickets, to the Comcast Circles Lounge at Strathmore during the season. Comcast Circles Lounge open prior to concerts and during intermission.

Innovation Circles

Innovation Circle donors are NatPhil’s major donor giving levels. Enjoy additional benefits afforded to those who donate $1,200 or more over the course of a NatPhil season.

Inspiration Circle – $1,200 – $2,999

All Trailblazer donor benefits, plus:

  • Exclusive access to Innovation Circle Chats via Zoom with NatPhil guest artists, guest conductors, or composers
  • Invitations to exclusive Innovation Circle donor events
  • Access to the Comcast Circles Lounge for two at every NatPhil concert

Visionary Circle – $3,000 – $5,999

All Inspiration Circle donor benefits, plus:

  • Receive 2 complimentary tickets to one NatPhil concert of your choice (subject to availability – location to be determined with donor)
  • Receive 2 complimentary drink tickets for use in the Comcast Circles Lounge at every NatPhil concert
  • Opportunity to attend a NatPhil open dress rehearsal during the season (date to be determined)

Trendsetter Circle – $6,000 – $11,999

All Visionary Circle donor benefits, plus:

  • Invitation for 2 to a NatPhil backstage tour (date to be determined)

Vanguard Circle – $12,000 and above

All Trendsetter Circle donor benefits, plus:

  • A customized season support package to include bannering with logo or personal name and spoken acknowledgment of support. Contact Ann Morrison at for more information to customize your package.

Other Ways to Give

Looking for more opportunities to support National Philharmonic? Find out other ways to help share and amplify the power of music.

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Support National Philharmonic

National Philharmonic relies on the generosity of its donors to continue bringing you the music. Your contribution is critical to our continued success.

Give Now