About UsBoard of Directors

Kathleen Knepper

Vice Chair

Ms. Knepper is an attorney with a J.D. from DePaul School of Law in Chicago and an L.L.M. from St. Louis University Law School.   

Before retiring, she practiced law in several settings including being (a) legal counsel for the Illinois State Board of Education; (b) a prosecutor in the State’s Attorney’s Office in Springfield, Illinois; (c) the director of Medicaid litigation for the Department of Social Services in Missouri; and (d) legal counsel for a large community hospital in Columbia, Missouri.   

She served as the chair of the board of an organization that began and then ran a homeless shelter in Springfield, Illinois. This shelter, called Helping Hands, has since grown and expanded its services.  She was also a board member of the Springfield Symphony which performed during summer months. She was on a related board that had as its mission renovating a theatre where the symphony performed.  She was a member of choruses in Springfield, Illinois and Columbia, Missouri, and sang in two small opera choruses in Springfield.  She also served on several church boards and committees.  

Currently she is taking piano lessons while teaching piano to her grandson and works with an Afghan woman on developing her English skills and is the chair of the Kiplinger Lecture Series at her church.  She lives a block from the Strathmore Music Center and is committed to assuring that great music continues to be performed in that venue.  As such, she whole heartedly supports Nat Phil as well as the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra and Strathmore Music Center.   

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